8 Essentials for Traveling With a Pet

Travel Tips
travelling with a pet

When you plan a trip, you make a list of all the items you need and try to tick off all the essential things on the list. It’s a different story when you are going on a journey with your pet because the things they need are not always necessary for us. That is where our list of pet traveling essentials comes in to help you check the list faster.

With a list of the travel needs of your pet, you can rest easy and save your brain the chore of making a list. 

8 Essentials For Traveling with Your Pet

Have you packed all the items on your list and still have concerns about your pet’s travel essentials? The needs may indeed vary per trip, but here are the trip essentials you can always do well to pack for your pet.

Your Dog’s Vaccination Records

Having your dog’s vaccine records will help on every trip. It is more vital during interstate trips, especially in case of an emergency. You also need the papers when boarding your pet in a new kennel.

Bed and Crate

If you use a bed or crate at home, you will help your dog by bringing it along. The smell of the bed helps them have some sense of home and familiarity. It improves their level of comfort and keeps them away from making a mess. Pet travel beds exist, they are lighter and easier to clean and transport, but depending on how far your trip is, you may not need that.

Treats and Toys

Rewarding your dog for good behavior on a trip will help them open up to changes. Some dogs can be fussy during trips because of the change in scenery and smell, so giving them treats will help them feel better. If your dog has its favorite toy to play with during trips, they are less likely to get bored. While most people prioritise safety over comfort or fun, having both is not a bad idea.

Water and Food

Just like you, your pet needs to eat, packing food for the road is a necessity. The best type of food to pack would undoubtedly be dry food. So, measure enough kibble for the trip and add water too, so your pets don’t get thirsty. Some types of trips would not need water as pet travel essentials because they offer water during the journey.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is handy during any journey for you and your pet. A first aid kit will be helpful during all trips in case of injuries. However, you will need such a kit more for a camping and outdoor trip to keep your dog safe. If your dog gets an injury or ticks, a first aid kit will help make your dog feel a lot better and avoid any injury getting worse. Among all the pet travel necessities, a first aid kit is one that you should not forget.

Safety Restraints

You will need safety restraint when you are traveling by road. Some states have regulations against dogs sitting in the car without safety belts. Besides, even if there are no laws about pet safety in a vehicle, it is better to keep your pet safe during rides.

Poop Bags

Your pet may need to go at any time; the best choice will be pet diapers. However, another option will be to get poop bags, especially if it is a long trip, and you can run out of diapers.

Another reason to pack poop bags is because of the chance that you may not find a pet store easily everywhere.

Collar, Leash, and ID Tags

During a journey, your dog will encounter many new smells and could get lost easily. Due to the chance of going missing, you will have to be extremely careful during trips.

One way to ensure your pet’s safety is by using an ID tag, a leash, or collar. With a necklace or an ID tag (one that has your number on it, preferably), you can easily find your pet if they go missing or in an emergency. Having a leash speaks for itself since you can restrain your pet and avoid needing the tag.

Traveling Essentials for Different Trips

Every trip is not the same, so the essentials for each trip varies. To help you put things into perspective, here are some pet travel essentials for different journey categories.

Road Trip

The first thing to consider on a road trip is your pet’s comfort. When traveling on the road, you need to keep your dog safe by using a harness or crate. Also, the American Veterinary Medical Association advises you to make stretching stops every 2-3 hours.

Some items to add to your road trip pet essential list includes:

  • Food and water
  • Treats 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Poop bags
  • A leash and a tag
  • Towels or blankets
  • A bone or toy
  • A picture of your dog

Camping Trip 

When going camping, the first thing to check is if the campsite is friendly for a pet animal. Next is to ensure it is up to date on vaccines, so they don’t get infected from the campground.

When going camping, your camping trip essentials checklist should contain:

  • An extra collar and leash 
  • Towels
  • Proof of vaccination
  • Life Jackets
  • Bed
  • Brush, combs, and tweezers

Air Travel Essentials

When traveling by air, check the airline’s pet travel policies and confirm it more than once in case of sudden changes without prior information.

Some airlines allow dogs to ride in the cabin while some provide individual kennels for animals. If your dog is not with you, try to provide food, water, and keepsakes for familiarity.

Some pet air travel essentials include:

  • Approved pet carrier
  • ID tags
  • Vaccination documents and other documents
  • Treats
  • Pet license

When you go on a road trip, this list of pet travel essentials will be useful to help you keep your dog safe and comfortable. One thing that you cannot pack that your dog needs from you is your patience. Since the surroundings are new, your dog may be more aggressive, but with the right amount of patience and treats, you can help it feel better and adapt.

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